The Trust Counselling & Psychotherapy Service
offers private counselling, psychotherapy, and clinical supervision appointments in a safe and confidential office and through online zoom conferencing.
A straightforward and down to earth style is used which is thoughtful and respectful to all clients. My role is to facilitate you and support you through your journey of exploration and any changes you wish to make in your life.
Therapy offers an opportunity for a different kind of relationship and a different type of communication which may be difficult to find elsewhere in other personal relationships.
As your therapist, I will listen to you and help you explore situations and feelings in a non-judgmental, safe and confidential setting.
For me, Trust is the most important element in the therapeutic relationship. Without Trust we would be unable to work together as a team in resolving your issues.
Joe Donohue
Integrative Psychotherapist
MSc.(Psych. Hon) S.IACP M.IAHIP
♦ Clinical Supervisor, Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.
♦ Member, Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy.
♦ Member, Irish Council of Psychotherapy.
♦ Qualified Psychotherapist, Turning Point Training Institute. (2013)
♦ MSc. in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy, Dublin City University.
♦ Founder of Trust Counselling, Inchicore (January 2014).
♦ Approach to Psychotherapy: Humanistic and Integrative, adaptable to individual needs.
Sessions are available face to face and online through Zoom conferencing.
Psychotherapy sessions are generally 50 – 60 minutes long and scheduled at an agreed time every week.
Sometimes clients opt for bi-monthly sessions; however, anything less would not be considered Counselling or Psychotherapy.
Note: During zoom conferencing sessions, clients must dress appropriately, have a strong Wi-Fi connection, have good quality headphones and locate in a confidential and appropriate setting to ensure their privacy.
If you have to cancel a scheduled appointment, please give at least 24 hours’ notice unless an emergency arises. An arrangement can be made to reschedule your cancelled appointment if there is availability during the same week.The total cost of the missed session will be charged for insufficient notice given without reason.
Therapy can last a few weeks, months, or even years. It depends on the depth and nature of the issues presented.
It is often helpful to have an identified goal when coming into therapy, for example, “I do not want to feel anger or hurt or anxiety anymore’. In this way, we can work toward this goal and will know when to end therapy once the goal is achieved.
However, suppose you cannot identify issues precisely yourselves. In that case, the first appointment in this service involves an assessment session giving the space and time to help thoroughly explore and identify what issues might be necessary to focus on initially, and we can also discuss and try to estimate a suitable number of sessions at this stage.
Remember that each client manages their own time and money, what they talk about in sessions, if they feel the benefit of the sessions, and when it is the right time to end therapy. It is important to feel comfortable discussing any of these things when they arise, and from time to time, an invitation to check in about how therapy is going will give the opportunity.
If a client wants to end therapy, attending a final closing session is highly recommended. A proper ending can create a sense of closure for both therapist and client, allowing the foundation for a new beginning.
Some clients like to take a ‘break’ from therapy for a time or return for a few refresher sessions after we have formally ended therapy. Suitability for these arrangements can be considered and discussed in context to each client’s therapeutic process.
Apart from professional requirements and exceptions concerning safety, everything that clients tell me is entirely confidential.
However, if a client becomes a serious risk to self or others, in my professional judgment, I reserve the right to confer with the client provided emergency contact, GP or other professionals but only after making every effort to discuss this with the client first.
Doctors often suggest medication as the solution to psychological issues and problems.
My view is that medication is a necessary component for the treatment and recovery of specific conditions and can sometimes enhance the effectiveness of psychotherapy , but many problems which bring people into therapy – difficulties with relationships, loss of a loved one, problems with anger, or lack of meaning and purpose in life – may not be significantly helped by medication.